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Nutrition For Heart Health
Finding a good nutritionist for Heart Disease
The American Heart Association reports that a healthy diet and lifestyle can be your best weapon against heart disease. There are a number of risk factors that can contribute to heart disease, such as cigarette smoking, family history of heart disease, and physical activity. Other risk factors tied more closely to nutrition include obesity, high blood pressure, and types of fats eaten. All these risk factors can be reduced if one follows a heart healthy diet.
Improving heart health includes avoiding certain types of foods ( i.e. high saturated fat, fried foods, high sugar) that can contribute to obesity and diabetes - people with diabetes are more susceptible to develop heart disease. Foods that should be eaten include those that are high in healthy unsaturated fats, as well as foods high in fiber.
There are specific diet types that have benefits for heart health, such as the Mediterranean diet and DASH diet. Both these diets take an approach that include healthy fats and high fiber foods. At RD Nutrition Counseling, we will not limit you to one diet type. It's less about dieting, and more about finding foods that are protective for overall health and wellness.
Healthy Sources of Fat
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